Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
Dr. Lauren Appleton, RAc, TCMD grew up within the healing arts, yet was unsure of what path to follow until her father, a chiropractor, performed acupuncture on her. When the needles were in her body, she experienced an amazing energy sensation and knew she had found her path. Lauren graduated from the Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2006 and has been a registered with the College and Association of Acupuncturists of Alberta since 2007.
Lauren practices diverse styles of acupuncture including traditional Chinese acupuncture, esoteric acupuncture, cupping therapy, tui ‘na massage, herbal therapy, and was also selected to study Japanese deep lymphatic acupuncture. After having two beautiful daughters, Lauren is furthering her studies in pediatric acupuncture. Completing her first certificate, then treating her own children, she discovered impressive results. She has over ten years of experience dealing with conditions such as acute and chronic pain, sports injury, gynecological disorders, infertility, labour induction, asthma, digestive disorders, menopause, depression, stress and anxiety, amongst others. Lauren’s calming energy, knowledge, experience and gentle approach is very effective with many conditions. Her treatments will leave you feeling relaxed and stress free.
Deep lymphatic drainage acupuncture (DLTA)
Researched and developed in Japan by blind healers, DTLA practitioners emphasize information acquired by touch to determine needle placement. DTLA differs significantly from traditional Chinese forms of acupuncture in that one needle is placed at a time and gently manipulated until the tissue around it acquires a healthy tone, after which the needle is removed and the next point addressed.
Pediatric Acupuncture
Children can respond quickly to acupuncture, recognizing much healing also depends on diet and lifestyle. Some children are reluctant to try acupuncture. Fortunately, there are non needle techniques such as laser, microcurrent pen, ear seeds, tuina and gua sha. When working with children establishing trust and working within their pace and sense security is important, and often eventually advances to Taps (needles).